500+ Installations

Did you know that NWT have more than 500 turbines running worldwide with NWT controller software? With the resent 20 x GE2.5 controller software installations, NWT now have passed 500 installations worldwide!

Windergy India 2024

October 23. – 25. You will find NWT at the Danish pavillion.We are looking forward to seeing you in Chennai.

Latest News

Nordic Wind Technology is a leading company within the field of Wind Turbine Retrofit Solutions and Wind Turbine Controller Software.

New Case story from Patriot Renewables

“We decided to upgrade our Suzlon S88 turbines with the controller software from Nordic Wind Technology primarily to become more independent, but also to have more transparency and access to data and better access to the Service Tool.Our Suzlon S88 turbines are equipped with converters which are a special configuration; however, Nordic Wind Technology was […]

Febuary – 2024: New GE 2.5 Platform

NWT have successfully retrofitted a GE2.5 turbine with NWT controller software.The GE2.5 turbine has been connected to the grid and is producing power.This is a major breakthrough for NWT and for GE turbine owners! https://nordicwindtechnology.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/1000004445-2.mp4